Bookly provides the convenience of finding available library resources for employees in Slack, ensuring easy access to knowledge and higher engagement in learning.
Eliminate learning barriersWith physical libraries, it is difficult to find the necessary resources. Employees give up if the information is not easily discoverable, and the library is neglected.
Bookly allows easy discovery of information by searching books through book category, custom tags, title or author.
Track engagementKnowing which books employees prefer is impossible without asking them. Bookly identifies popular book categories for future purchases, and provides information on which books are being borrowed at any time with a simple command.
Manage inventoryForgotten books piled in employees' shelves for months is a common problem. Bookly easily tracks the inventory and reminds employees to return the borrowed books.
Open-source your libraryYour library is filled with amazing resources, but keeping up with the new releases is a challenge. Bookly enables sharing of personal collections and strengthens the library by promoting knowledge-sharing communities.
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